A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

"Finally I met another person in this forest!"
"She's pretty beautiful, and... attractive..."
"But... can I trust her?"

Note: The game will be available for FREE!

Orange Smash! is a nukige visual novel set in a desolate forest, focusing on the relationship (both emotionally and physically) between you and Yuma, a mysterious, somewhat lewd girl you meet.

Release Roadmap:

End Aug 2024 First Closed Beta Test (approx. 50% of the game done)
Early Sep 2024Public demo Released
Oct - Nov 2024 First version of game done, 2nd Beta Test
Nov - Dec 2024 Full Game Released

Dates might change (devlog will inform you of changes)

Disclaimer on adult content:

Orange Smash! contains several sex scenes involving exactly one girl. All scenes are pretty much vanilla: There will be no NTR, rape, gore, vore, etc. in the game. In future, there might be some group scenes, but they will be consensual and will involve either cloning techniques or involve a different girl, so there will be no swinging or NTR style scenes.

Disclaimer on AI content:

The backgrounds, sprites and CGs were created with assistance of AI, namely stable diffusion SDXL with a Pony-based model for anime. Quite some inpainting and post-processing was done to arrive at the final CGs.
Other than the art, everything else was done without AI assistance.
To avoid ethical issues of AI usage, the game will be available for free. There will be still ways to support the game financially, since making a visual novel is a lot of work, even with AI assistance, especially for a solo developer, but still, the game itself will be available for free to everyone.

Want to support me or this project?

Consider becoming a Patreon subscriber! patreon.com/MumeiMiyafuji
If you want to make a one-time donation, feel free to subscribe and then quit afterwards to avoid recurring payments!
There isn't much on the Patreon right now, but expect more in future!

Updated 1 day ago
Published 20 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
GenreVisual Novel
Made withLogic Pro, Ren'Py
Tags2D, Adult, ai-generated, Anime, Erotic, Hentai, NSFW, Ren'Py, Romance
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Orange Smash! Demo (Windows) 641 MB
Version demo_1.0.0 9 days ago
Orange Smash! Demo (Android) 712 MB
Orange Smash! Demo (Mac) 637 MB
Orange Smash! Demo (Linux) 608 MB
Version demo_1.0.0 9 days ago

Development log


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Okay, even setting the obvious issue of machine generated CGs aside (which we shouldn't, hire an artist or learn how to draw!!), the heroine looks tasteless, generic and is obviously "designed" by someone who has no idea what works in character design and what doesn't. For a game with only one LI, this is a grave issue that can turn a sizeable audience away from your story. Do some research into character design next time.


Thanks for the constructive criticism!😊

I tried applying some elements with Yuma, such as having her eye color match the choker's, having the orange-green color scheme in her design (which is also kept throughout the game), and so on. She is obviously very anime-inspired, including the overall 'blander' look of anime characters in romance-heavy shows. I will try to read up more on character design for the next time!

Regarding hiring artists: I can't afford it, especially not for that many CGs. Learning to draw is one option, but going that route, the visual novel would have been never completed, realistically. Using AI makes it possible for me to realize my vision, and well as be proof that I am able to get projects like this done, which will help for possible future projects with real artists without AI use.
And well, the game also will be free to compensate for AI issues, so yeah.


do not listen to him, AI art is fine

(1 edit) (+2)(-6)

Have you ever tried to pick up a pen in your life, pal?


I have, but it wasn't enjoyable for me.

I'm creating this visual novel while having a full-day job, often working on it for several hours after the work. This is only sustainable if the thing I'm doing is actually fun and enjoyable for me. Drawing just isn't that fun for me that I can bring myself to do it after work consistently. On the other hand, stable diffusion (i.e., the AI tool I've been using) has been very fun for me, which is why I was able to stick with it for a longer period of time.